
Rehabilitation Services

About the service

We are contracted by Warwickshire County Council to provide Rehabilitation Services to visually impaired people living in Warwickshire.

Getting out and about safely and using public transport - including the use of mobility aids, learning routes to and from key locations and how to understand and interpret sensory street infrastructure.

Building confidence and moving safely around your home - addressing issues such as effective lighting and maximising your remaining vision.

Health and safety in the home particularly when cooking and making hot drinks. Our Rehabilitation Officers can help you to use household appliances safely and introduce you to specialist equipment.

Support with correspondence and communication. This may include the use of magnifiers to help with reading and the use of telephones and assistive technology.


You can be referred to our Rehabilitation Service via a number of different ways including your low vision clinic, the local authority or even by making a self referral. A family member can also contact us and make a referral about a loved one. If you feel you need some support due to your deteriorating eye sight then do not hesitate to contact us.

In the first instance a member of our Rehab Team will call you on the telephone to talk through with you the challenges you are experiencing. They will assess the level of support you need and if appropriate arrange to come and see you in your home.


How we can help

Do not struggle alone, we are here to help and our aim is to keep people living independently for longer and enjoying fulfilling lives.

Get in touch

Please call 01926411331 and request support from our Rehabilitation Team or complete our contact form.

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